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Work Philosophy

Team Spirit and individual talent are key factors for High Performance Engineering at iXent. With this perfect multidisciplinary mix our objective targets can be reached in an extraordinary fast and optimized way. Wherever possible, routines are automated and high standards are ensured. This confidence is based on a deep-seated cooperativeness in-house and also to clients. Well founded on regular professional trainings.

Christof Hirth

Favourite technical construction: ISS
Idol: Alexander von Humboldt
Legendary moment: Moon Landing

Christoph Erbelding

Favourite technical construction: The lightweight aluminum frameworks of the early Zeppelin airships. No computers at the time!
Idol: Antonio Gaudi
Legendary moment: Winning the America’s Cup in San Francisco 2013 after being 1:8 down.

Leopold Fricke

Favourite technical construction: Walkman
Idol: Björn Daehli
Legendary sporting moment: Medal Race 49er Beijing 2008

Thomas Hahn

Favourite technical construction: Saturn V
Idol: Orazio Satta Puliga
Legendary moment: Starting my own rebuild 356 Engine for the first time

Tim Jäger

Sports Idol: Jan Frodeno
Favourite technical construction: Bicycle
Legendary moment: First gold medal at the track bike WM 2020 in Berlin, with the sprint handlebars developed in my master thesis.

Dominik Bertram

Sports Idol: Florian Neuschwander
Legendary sporting moment: 4x100m women relay final EC 2022 in the Olympic Stadium
Favourite technical construction: Noor Power Station, Ouarzazate
Idol: Carlo Pedersoli


Idol: Ernesto Valente
Favourite Coffee Bean: Hagen Espresso Originale
Legendary moment: Every Morning

One Earth One Ocean

The Environmental Organization OEOO was founded in 2011 by Günther Bonin in Munich. According to OEOO research, plastic waste was only explored on a selective basis, and there were no technologies to recover plastic waste from the sea. iXent helped with its expertise to create a concept of “marine litter cleanup” for the cleaning of world-wide water bodies from the plastic waste. Meanwhile, the focus has expanded and OEOO is also working on bringing oil and chemicals out of the water.

TUM Hyperloop

In 2015, SpaceX created an international student competition to build Hyperloop prototypes. After setting up a 1.2 km long vacuum tube next to SpaceX headquarters in California, the competition has been taking place every summer with several hundred student teams applying each year. iXent supported the Munich based three times Winning Team of TUM University in their technological challenges.